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Contentstack understands JSON data. If you want to create a content type through API or a JSON file (instead of through the user interface), you need to create a JSON file that contains the content type schema and use the "Import content type" option in the product or send the schema as the body in the API request.
Each field added in the content type has its schema. Let's look at them in detail in the following section.
Here's the JSON schema of all the fields and how you can use them in the content type JSON file.
The Title field is the entry title and will have a unique value, i.e., entries cannot have the same title.
The schema of the Title field is given as follows:
{ "display_name": "Title", "uid": "title", "data_type": "text", "mandatory": true, "unique": true, "field_metadata": { "_default": true }, "multiple": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
To mark this field as non-unique, set the unique parameter to false.
The URL field allows you to enter a URL of the entry.
The schema of the URL field is as follows:
{ "display_name": "URL", "uid": "url", "data_type": "text", "mandatory": true, "field_metadata": { "_default": true }, "multiple": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
The Single Line Textbox field supports only plain text and is used to enter some short text.
The schema of the Single line textbox field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Single line textbox", "uid": "single_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section. This field possesses a couple of parameters that you can add as follows:
The Multi Line Textbox field accepts multi-line arbitrary text and enters a large chunk of data.
The schema of the Multi line textbox field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Multi line textbox", "uid": "multi_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "", "multiline": true }, "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section. This parameter possesses a couple of parameters, such as format and error_messages, common to the “Single Line Textbox” field.
The HTML-based Rich Text Editor field accepts a variety of data types, such as text, images, and videos and allows you to format the content entered in the field.
The schema of the HTML-based Rich Text Editor field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "HTML Rich text editor", "uid": "html_rich_text_editor", "field_metadata": { "allow_rich_text": true, "description": "", "multiline": false, "rich_text_type": "advanced", "version": 3 }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the "Field Parameters" section.
Within the field_metadata parameter, you can provide the keys given below:
The following table displays the various formatting options that can be added to your customized HTML-based RTE toolbar:
Formatting Options | Description |
html | Allows you to view and edit your content in HTML format. |
undo | Allows you to undo your last action. You can undo more than one action. |
redo | Allows you to redo an undone action. You can redo more than one undone action. |
blockquote | Allows you to set apart quoted text from the surrounding content. |
pre | Allows you to apply code block formatting to a specific code snippet. |
h1 to h6 | Allows you to apply a specific heading style to a piece of text. You can apply Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 depending upon the heading level. |
h1 to h6 | Allows you to apply a specific heading style to a piece of text. You can apply Heading 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 depending upon the heading level. |
bold | Allows you to highlight certain text within the editor in bold. |
underline | Allows you to underline specific text within the editor. |
italic | Allows you to italicize specific text within the editor. |
deleted | Allows you to strikethrough certain words in the editor. |
sup | Allows you to format certain text in the editor as superscript. |
sub | Allows you to format certain text in the editor as subscript. |
lists | Allows you to structure a list of related items within the text as numbered or bulleted lists. |
alignment | Allows you to change text alignment inside the editor. By default, Contentstack aligns text to the left. You can either center the text, align it to the right, or justify it. |
video | Allows you to embed a YouTube or Vimeo video within the rich text editor content. |
imagemanager | Allows you to insert images within the rich text editor content. |
table | Allows you to add a table to the rich text editor content. |
link | Allows you to add hyperlinks to certain text within the editor content. |
properties | Allows you to point a piece of text to a certain class or ID defined within the stylesheet used for formatting the editor. The class or ID attribute you specify applies a specific style to the concerned text. |
reference_to | Allows you to embed entries and assets within an entry. |
The JSON Rich Text Editor field accepts a variety of data types, such as text, images, and videos and allows you to format the content entered in the field.
The schema for the JSON RTE field within a content type is as follows:
{ "data_type":"json", "display_name":"JSON RTE", "uid":"json_rte", "field_metadata":{ "allow_json_rte":true, "rich_text_type":"advanced", "description":"", "default_value":"" }, "reference_to":[ "content_type_uid" ], "non_localizable":false, "multiple":false, "mandatory":false, "unique":false }
Note: The JSON Rich Text Editor will have the same formatting options as the HTML-based RTE that can be added to your customized RTE toolbar. The only difference would be that the JSON RTE will not have the HTML source code viewer.
Additional Resource:You can also migrate content from your HTML-based RTE to the new JSON RTE using our CLI. Read more about our migration guide.
The Markdown field accepts text in markdown format which is an easy-to-read text that is marked with certain tags or formatting instructions.
The schema of the Markdown field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Markdown", "uid": "markdown", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "markdown": true }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
To enable the field to accept markdown content, you need to set a key, "markdown": true, in the field_metadata parameter.
The Select field allows users to choose one or more options from a set of predefined choices that can be displayed in the form of radio buttons, checkboxes, or dropdown options.
The schema of the Select field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Select", "display_type": "dropdown", "enum": { "advanced": false, "choices": [{ "value": "1" }, { "value": "2" }, { "value": "3" }] }, "multiple": true, "uid": "select", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
When the Key-value pair option is toggled on, the advanced parameter in the Select field schema is set to true and the schema displays the key and value added by the user.
The schema of such a Select field is given as follows:
{ "data_type":"text", "display_name":"Select", "display_type":"dropdown", "enum":{ "advanced":true, "choices":[ { "key":"New York", "value":"NY" }, { "key":"India", "value":"IN" }, { "key":"Australia", "value":"AUS" } ] }, "multiple":true, "uid":"select", "field_metadata":{ "description":"", "default_value":"" }, "mandatory":false, "unique":false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
Additionally, you need to set the parameters given below:
The Modular Blocks field allows content managers to dynamically create and modify components of a page or app on the go.
The schema of a Modular Blocks field consisting of a Single Line Textbox and a Rich Text Editor is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "blocks", "display_name": "Modular Blocks", "abstract": "Create content dynamically", "blocks": [{ "title": "Block", "uid": "block", "autoEdit": true, "schema": [{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Single line textbox", "abstract": "Name, title, email address, any short text", "uid": "single_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "class": "high-lighter", "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" } }, { "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Rich text editor", "abstract": "Long text with formatting options", "uid": "rich_text_editor", "field_metadata": { "allow_rich_text": true, "description": "", "multiline": false, "rich_text_type": "advanced" }, "class": "high-lighter" } ] }], "multiple": true, "uid": "modular_blocks", "field_metadata": {} }
You can also add Global fields as blocks in a Modular Blocks field. The schema of a Modular Blocks field consisting of a Global field as a block and a normal block schema is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "blocks", "display_name": "Modular Blocks", "abstract": "Create content dynamically", "blocks": [{ "title": "Block", "uid": "block", "autoEdit": true, "schema": [{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Single line textbox", "abstract": "Name, title, email address, any short text", "uid": "single_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "class": "high-lighter", "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" } }, { "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Rich text editor", "abstract": "Long text with formatting options", "uid": "rich_text_editor", "field_metadata": { "allow_rich_text": true, "description": "", "multiline": false, "rich_text_type": "advanced" }, "class": "high-lighter" } ] }, { "title": "Block", "uid": "block", "reference_to": "global_field_uid" }], "multiple": true, "uid": "modular_blocks", "field_metadata": {} }
You need to mention the Global field that your parent content type will refer to in the reference_to parameter.
The Number field accepts numeric data where you can enter any kind of numbers such as phone number or zip code.
The schema of the Number field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "number", "display_name": "Number", "uid": "number", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
You need to enter the data_type parameter as number.
The Boolean field accepts a true or false value.
The schema of the Boolean field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "boolean", "display_name": "Boolean", "uid": "boolean", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
You need to enter the data_type parameter as boolean.
The Date field renders a calendar that allows the user to select a date and time, which is accepted in the ISO format
The schema of the Date field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "isodate", "display_name": "Date", "uid": "date", "startDate": null, "endDate": null, "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
You need to enter the data_type parameter as isodate, and provide the startDate and endDate parameters if you want to display a date range.
The File field lets you upload or use files in your entry.
The schema of the File field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "file", "display_name": "File", "uid": "file", "extensions": [], "field_metadata": { "description": "", "rich_text_type": "standard" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
Set the data_type parameter as file and add the extensions parameter. Additionally, mention the "rich_text_type": "standard" key in the field_metadata parameter.
The Link field accepts a valid static or relative URL and a title.
The schema of the Link field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "link", "display_name": "Link", "uid": "link", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": { "title": "", "url": "" } }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
Set the data_type parameter as linklink, and add title and url in the default_value key within the field_metadata parameter.
The Reference field allows you to create references to entries of the same content type or other content types.
The schema of the Reference field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "reference", "display_name": "Reference", "reference_to": "", "field_metadata": { "ref_multiple": false }, "uid": "reference", "mandatory": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
You need to mention either the same content type or another content type that your parent content type will refer to in the reference_to parameter.
The Group field allows you to create a group of multiple fields.
The schema of the Group field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "group", "display_name": "Group", "field_metadata": {}, "schema": [{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Single line textbox", "uid": "single_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }], "uid": "group", "multiple": true, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
The details of the fields that you need to add in the Group field are mentioned in the schema parameter.
A Global field is a reusable field (or group of fields) that you can define once and reuse in any content type within your stack.
The schema of the Global field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "global_field", "display_name": "Global Field", "reference_to": "{{global_field_uid}}", "uid": "global_field", "mandatory": false, "multiple": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
The details of the fields that have to be added in the Global field are mentioned in the schema parameters.
You can create a custom field by adding a Group field within another Group field.
The schema of the Group Within Group field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "group", "display_name": "Group_within_group", "field_metadata": {}, "schema": [{ "data_type": "group", "display_name": "Group_within_group_subgroup", "field_metadata": {}, "schema": [{ "data_type": "text", "display_name": "Single line textbox", "uid": "single_line", "field_metadata": { "description": "", "default_value": "" }, "format": "", "error_messages": { "format": "" }, "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }], "uid": "group_within_group_subgroup", "multiple": true, "max_instance": 2, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }], "uid": "group_within_group", "multiple": false, "mandatory": false, "unique": false }
The parameters in the JSON body above are explained in the “Field Parameters” section.
The max_instance parameter lets you decide the maximum limit for your internal Group, within the main Group schema.
You can create a Custom field by adding a Global field within another Group field.
The schema of the Global field within Group field is given as follows:
{ "data_type": "group", "display_name": "Group", "schema": [{ "data_type": "global_field", "display_name": "Global", "reference_to": "global_field_uid", "field_metadata": { "description": "" }, "uid": "global" }], "uid": "group", "multiple": false, "mandatory": false }
You can create a custom field that you can use in your content types.
The schema of the Extension field is given as follows:
{ "display_name": "Extension", "uid": "text", "data_type": "json", "extension_uid": "blt002c000ce00b00000", "config": { "key": "value" }, "mandatory": true, "field_metadata": { "_default": true }, "multiple": false, "unique": false }
Note: config JSON object key(s) cannot start with “$” or contain “.”
Let’s see the parameters in the schema in detail:
Parameters | Description | Supported fields |
display_name | Determines the display name of a field. It is a mandatory field. | All fields |
uid | Represents the unique ID of each field. It is a mandatory field. | All fields |
data_type | Determines what value can be provided to the Title field. | All fields |
field_metadata | Allows you to enter additional data about a field. Also, you can add additional values under ‘field_metadata’.
| All fields |
multiple | Allows you to assign multiple values to a field. By default, this parameter is set to “false” for the Title field. | All fields |
mandatory | Determines whether a field can be left without a value or not. If the mandatory parameter of a field is set to “true,” the user cannot leave this field empty. | All fields |
unique | Decides whether the value entered in the field has to be unique or not. | All fields |
format | Takes a regex that you can use to validate the value of a field. | Single line textbox, Multi line textbox |
error_messages | Stores the error message that will be displayed if a field value is not validated. You can set a format for it as well. | Single line textbox, Multi line textbox |
enum | Allows you to provide the choice for the Select field. | Select |
advanced | Determines whether a select field can contain normal choices or key-value choices. Set the advanced parameter to "true" to add key-value pairs in the Select field. | Select |
reference_to | Allows you to set a reference to any content type or global field. | Reference, Global fields |
format | Allows you to set the schema for ‘Group’ and nested Group fields. | Group, Nested Group fields |
schema | Defines the details of the fields that have to be added in the Group field. | Group, Nested Group fields |
max_instance | Decides the maximum limit for your internal Group, within the main Group schema. | Nested Group fields |
Each feature associated with a content type also has its own schema definition. Let’s understand how the schema for such features is used in the content type JSON file.
The “Options” schema allows you to define specific settings for your content type. You can either mark content types as single or multiple, or define the type of your content type as webpage or content block.
The “Options” schema looks as follows:
"options": { "is_page": true, "singleton": false, "title": "title", "sub_title": [], "url_pattern": "/:title", "url_prefix": "/" }
The “Field Rules” schema allows you to set field visibility rules for your content type. You can hide or display specific fields (target fields) on the entry page based on the values specified in other fields (operand fields) of the entry.
The “Field Rules” schema looks as follows:
"field_rules": [ { "conditions": [ { "operand_field": "author", "operator": "contains", "value": "Dale" } ], "actions": [ { "action": "hide", "target_field": "description" } ], "match_type": "all" } ]
Let’s understand the different schema parameters in detail:
Parameters | Description |
_version | Specifies the number assigned to every version of a specific content type. Editing the schema of a content type, adding or removing field visibility rules, or updating the content type details automatically increments the version number of the content type by 1. |
is_page | Allows you to create content types as “Webpages” or “Content Blocks”, and is set to “true” for webpages. |
singleton | Marks a content type as “Single” or “Multiple”, and is set to “true” for content types with unique schemas. |
url_pattern | Allows you to set a default URL pattern for all the entries of the content type, for example, “/title”. |
url_prefix | Defines the path where an entry of the content type exists. |
conditions | Allows you to define conditions for your field visibility rules. Under “conditions”, you can specify the following parameters:
actions | Allows you to define actions to be taken as per your field visibility rules. Under “actions”, you can specify the following parameters:
match_type | Determines whether the field visibility rule should be applied when “all” or “any” of the specified conditions are met. |
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