Edit a Stack

To update or modify stack details and perform other stack activities, log in to your Contentstack account and perform the following steps:

  1. Open the stack you want to edit and click the “Settings” icon on the left navigation panel.
  2. In the GENERAL section, you can edit the Stack’s Name and Description. Click on the Save button after making the changes.
  3. Under API CREDENTIALS, you will get the API Key of your stack. Here, you will also find details about the environment-specific Delivery Tokens and Management Tokens that you can create to authenticate API requests.

    Note: We have stopped supporting Access Token for all stacks created after December 16, 2020. However, for stacks created before December 16, 2020, we will continue to support Access Tokens.

  4. Under API REFERENCE, you will find links to our Content Delivery API Console and Content Management API Console.
  5. At the bottom, you can see the Delete Stack and Transfer Ownership buttons that will allow you to delete the stack and transfer ownership of your stack, respectively.

API Reference

Here are the links to the API requests related to this action:

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