orientation method
- Orientation orient
The orient parameter lets you control the cardinal orientation of the given image. Using this parameter, you can orient the image right or left, flip horizontally or vertically or both, and do a lot more. It can automatically correct the orientation of the image if the source image contains orientation details within its EXIF data (Exchangeable Image File Format).
parameter should be enum type of Orientation
For more details, Read documentation: https://www.contentstack.com/docs/developers/apis/image-delivery-api/#reorient-images
final stack = contentstack.Stack(apiKey, deliveryToken, environment);
final imageTransformation = stack.imageTransform(imageUrl);
final response = await imageTransformation
void orientation(Orientation orient) {
// toDefault = '1';
// horizontally = '2';
// horizontallyAndVertically = '3';
// vertically = '4';
// horizontallyAndRotate90DegreeLeft = '5';
// degrees90TowardsRight = '6';
// horizontallyAndRotate90DegreesRight = '7';
// rotate90DegreesLeft = '8';
if (orient != null) {
orient.when(toDefault: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 1);
}, horizontally: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 2);
}, horizontallyAndVertically: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 3);
}, vertically: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 4);
}, horizontallyAndRotate90DegreeLeft: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 5);
}, degrees90TowardsRight: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 6);
}, horizontallyAndRotate90DegreesRight: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 7);
}, rotate90DegreesLeft: (orientation) {
query.append('orient', 8);