convert method
- Format format
The format function lets you converts a given image from one format to another. The formats that the source image can be converted to are gif, png, jpg (for JPEG), pjpg (for Progressive JPEG), webp, webpll (Lossless), and webply (Lossy).
for more details read documentation: For more details, Read documentation:
final stack = contentstack.Stack(apiKey, deliveryToken, environment);
final imageTransformation = stack.imageTransform(imageUrl);
final response = await imageTransformation.convert(Format.pjpg).fetch();
void convert(Format format) {
format.when(gif: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'gif');
}, png: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'png');
}, jpg: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'jpg');
}, pjpg: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'pjpg');
}, webp: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'webp');
}, webplossy: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'webply');
}, webplossless: (formatResult) {
query.append('format', 'webpll');