import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import { create, update, deleteEntity, fetch, query, upload, parseData } from '../../entity'
import error from '../../core/contentstackError'
import FormData from 'form-data'
import { createReadStream } from 'fs'
* GlobalField defines the structure or schema of a page or a section of your web or mobile property. To create global Fields for your application, you are required to first create a gloabl field. Read more about <a href=''>Global Fields</a>.
* @namespace GlobalField
export function GlobalField (http, data = {}) {
this.stackHeaders = data.stackHeaders
this.urlPath = `/global_fields`
if (data.global_field) {
Object.assign(this, cloneDeep(data.global_field))
this.urlPath = `/global_fields/${this.uid}`
* @description The Update GlobalField call lets you update the name and description of an existing GlobalField.
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func update
* @returns {Promise<GlobalField.GlobalField>} Promise for GlobalField instance
* @example
* import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* client.stack({ api_key: 'api_key'}).globalField('global_field_uid').fetch()
* .then((globalField) => {
* globalField.title = 'My New Content Type'
* globalField.description = 'Content Type description'
* return globalField.update()
* })
* .then((globalField) => console.log(globalField))
this.update = update(http, 'global_field')
* @description The Delete GlobalField call is used to delete an existing GlobalField permanently from your Stack.
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func delete
* @returns {Object} Response Object.
* @example
* import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* client.stack({ api_key: 'api_key'}).globalField('global_field_uid').delete()
* .then((response) => console.log(response.notice))
this.delete = deleteEntity(http)
* @description The fetch GlobalField call fetches GlobalField details.
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func fetch
* @returns {Promise<GlobalField.GlobalField>} Promise for GlobalField instance
* @example
* import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* client.stack({ api_key: 'api_key'}).globalField('global_field_uid').fetch()
* .then((globalField) => console.log(globalField))
this.fetch = fetch(http, 'global_field')
} else {
* @description The Create a GlobalField call creates a new globalField in a particular stack of your Contentstack account.
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func create
* @returns {Promise<GlobalField.GlobalField>} Promise for GlobalField instance
* @example
* import * as contentstac k from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* const global_field = {
* title: 'First',
* uid: 'first',
* schema: [{
* display_name: 'Name',
* uid: 'name',
* data_type: 'text'
* }]
* }
* client.stack().globalField().create({ global_field })
* .then((globalField) => console.log(globalField))
this.create = create({ http: http })
* @description The Query on GlobalField will allow to fetch details of all or specific GlobalField
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func query
* @returns {Array<GlobalField>} Array of GlobalField.
* @example
* import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* client.stack().globalField().query({ query: { name: 'Global Field Name' } }).find()
* .then((globalFields) => console.log(globalFields))
this.query = query({ http: http, wrapperCollection: GlobalFieldCollection })
* @description The Import a global field call imports a global field into a stack.
* @memberof GlobalField
* @func import
* @param {String} data.global_field path to file
* @example
* import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
* const client = contentstack.client()
* const data = {
* global_field: 'path/to/file.json',
* }
* client.stack({ api_key: 'api_key'}).globalField().import(data)
* .then((globalField) => console.log(globalField))
this.import = async function (data) {
try {
const response = await upload({
http: http,
urlPath: `${this.urlPath}/import`,
stackHeaders: this.stackHeaders,
formData: createFormData(data)
if ( {
return new this.constructor(http, parseData(response, this.stackHeaders))
} else {
throw error(response)
} catch (err) {
throw error(err)
return this
export function GlobalFieldCollection (http, data) {
const obj = cloneDeep(data.global_fields) || []
const globalFieldCollection = => {
return new GlobalField(http, { global_field: userdata, stackHeaders: data.stackHeaders })
return globalFieldCollection
export function createFormData (data) {
return () => {
const formData = new FormData()
const uploadStream = createReadStream(data.global_field)
formData.append('global_field', uploadStream)
return formData