

The Content Management API (CMA) is used to manage the content of your Contentstack account. This includes creating, updating, deleting, and fetching content of your account.


(static) client

Name Type Attributes Description
params.endpoint string <optional>
API endpoint that a service will talk to string <optional>
API host (default:
params.headers object <optional>
Optional additional headers
params.authtoken string <optional>
Optional Authtoken is a read-write token used to make authorized CMA requests, but it is a user-specific token.
params.authorization string <optional>
Optional authorization token is a read-write token used to make authorized CMA requests, but it is a user-specific token.
params.timeout number <optional>
Optional number of milliseconds before the request times out. Default is 30000ms
params.maxRequests number <optional>
Optional maximum number of requests SDK should send concurrently. Default is 5 concurrent request.
params.retryOnError boolean <optional>
Optional boolean for retry on failure. Default is true
params.retryLimit number <optional>
Optional number of retries before failure. Default is 5
params.retryDelay number <optional>
The number of milliseconds to use for operation retries. Default is 300ms
params.retryCondition function <optional>
A function to determine if the error can be retried. Default retry is on status 429.
params.retryDelayOptions.base number <optional>
The base number of milliseconds to use in the exponential backoff for operation retries.
params.retryDelayOptions.customBackoff function <optional>
A custom function that accepts a retry count and error and returns the amount of time to delay in milliseconds. (if you want not to retry for specific condition return -1)
params.maxContentLength number <optional>
Optional maximum content length in bytes (default: 1073741824 i.e. 1 GB)
params.maxBodyLength number <optional>
Optional maximum body length in bytes (default: 10 MB)
params.logHandler function <optional>
A log handler function to process given log messages & errors.
params.application string <optional>
Application name and version e.g myApp/version
params.integration string <optional>
Integration name and version e.g react/version
Create client instance
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client()
//Set the `endpoint` to '{port}/{version}'
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ endpoint: '{port}/{version}' })
//Set the `host` to ''
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ host: '' })
//Set the `headers` to { 'headerkey': 'value'}
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ headers: { 'headerkey': 'value'} })
//Set the `authtoken`
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ authtoken: 'value' })
//Set the `authorization`
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ authorization: 'Bearer <token_value>' })
//Set the `timeout` to 50000ms
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ timeout: 50000 })
//Set the `maxRequests` to 5
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ maxRequests: 5 })
//Set the `retryOnError` to false
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ retryOnError: false })
//Set the `retryLimit` to 2
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ retryLimit: 2 })
//Set the `retryDelay` to 500ms
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ retryDelay: 500 })
//Set the `retryCondition` on error status 429
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ retryCondition: (error) => {
     if (error.response && error.response.status === 429) {
       return true
     return false
Set  base retry delay for all services to 300 ms
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({retryDelayOptions: {base: 300}})
Set a custom backoff function to provide delay of 500 ms on retryCount < 3 and -1 for retryCount >= 3values on retries
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({retryDelayOptions: {customBackoff: function(retryCount, err) {
       if (retryCount < 3) {
         return 500
       } else {
         return -1 //returning -1 will hold next retry for request
//Set the `maxContentLength` to 1024 ** 3
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ maxContentLength: 1024 ** 3 })
//Set the `maxBodyLength` to 1024 ** 2 * 10 // 10 MB
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ maxBodyLength: 1024 ** 2 * 10 })
//Set the `logHandler`
import * as contentstack from '@contentstack/management'
const client = contentstack.client({ logHandler: (level, data) => {
      if (level === 'error' && data) {
        const title = [, data.message].filter((a) => a).join(' - ')
        console.error(`[error] ${title}`)
      console.log(`[${level}] ${data}`)
    } })