Users and Roles FAQs

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Yes, you can add users to add and edit content for your website. For that, you need to share the relevant stack with other users.

If you do not see the Users option under “‘Settings,” you do not have the permission to add new users to your stack. Please contact the stack owner to get the users added or to get adequate permissions to add users.

You can add an unlimited number of users to a stack.

Yes, you can control access to content for users and groups by assigning them specific roles. We recommend you to go through the Roles section in order to achieve this functionality.

No. The Owner and the Admin roles are not editable. Other roles are editable.

No, the developer can remove only those users whom he/she has invited to the stack.

Only the owner of the stack has the right to delete a stack.

The Custom Role gives you the provision to apply permissions at entry, field, and asset levels.

No, each stack can have only one Owner, who has complete rights to the content and settings of a stack. In addition to that, the Owner has the right to delete a stack as well as transfer the ownership of the stack to another user.

Yes, both the roles are different and the differences that are mentioned in the Stack Admin vs Stack Developer section.

Only the OwnerAdmin, and users assigned the “Developer” role can add users to a stack.

Yes, there are certain limitations in Roles. They are as follows:

  • Title: The title of a role should be between 1 and 160 characters.
  • Description: The description of a role should not exceed 320 characters.
  • Permissions Limitations: When creating a custom role, you cannot add individual components beyond certain limits in permissions. Here’s the maximum allowed limit of each component within permissions of a custom role: 
    • Content Types: 100
    • Entries: 100
    • Assets: 100
    • Locales: 100
    • Environments: 100

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