The AWS S3 service allows you to store and retrieve information in buckets on the cloud. A unique identifier is assigned to each bucket to distinguish different assets and files. The following guides will help you integrate AWS S3 with your Contentstack account:

  • Backup Entries to AWS S3: Use this Automation Hub use-case to automate the process of backing up entries to your S3 bucket.
  • AWS S3 Connector: The Automation Hub platform offers the AWS S3 connector to store and backup entries in S3 buckets.
  • Amazon S3: Fetch and display data from S3 buckets within your entry page using the Amazon S3 extension. Additionally, you can upload documents, images, and videos to your S3 bucket through the Contenstack entry page
  • Hosting a Static Website on Amazon S3: Use this guide to host or deploy your static websites on Amazon S3.

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