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This step-by-step guide will help you to create a Node.js-based app that fetches data from your infrastructure. We will create a web page “about” in this tutorial from the data synced through Contentstack DataSync.
So, download the boilerplate code, configure it as required, and get started with the app.
Note: The boilerplate uses Filesystem as a database. You can change the storage if required.
git clone https://github.com/contentstack/datasync-nodejs-website-boilerplateOnce you download the boilerplate, you will see the following folder structure:
npm install
const config = { sdk: 'datasync-filesystem-sdk', contentstack: { apikey: '', deliveryToken: '', }, locales: [ { code: 'en-us', relative_url_prefix: '/' }, { code: 'es-es', relative_url_prefix: '/es/' } ], contentStore: { baseDir: './_contents' }, assetStore: { baseDir: './_contents', }, port: 4000 } module.exports = configYou need to specify the path inside the baseDir parameter. This is the location from where your synced data will be fetched.
Additional Resource: To import data into Contentstack, refer to the Import an Entry and Import a Content type section.
const express = require('express'); const router = express.Router(); const Stack = require('../models/contentstack'); router.get('/about', (req, res, next) => { const contentTypeUID = 'about'; //Render the 'about.html' page as follows: Stack.contentType(contentTypeUID).entries() .find() .then(function success (result) { res.render('about.html', { about: result }) }).catch(next) }) module.exports = routerVerify that route of the “about” page and the UID of the “about” content type is correct in the following line.
router.get('/about', (req, res, next) => { const contentTypeUID = 'about';
{%extends "layout/parent.html" %} {%block main_body %} {% set entry= about.entries[0] %} <div> {# Your contact_us title will be rendered #} <h1>{{entry.title }}</h1> {#add your body here using {{ entry.field_name }} #} </div> {% endblock %}
module.exports = (app) => { app.use('/', require('../middlewares')) app.use('/', require('./about')) app.use('/', require('./home')) }
Start the server with the following command:
npm start
Open the browser and check if the web page (about) you created is loading correctly by using the following address: localhost:4000/about
If you want to use MongoDB as the database for storing data instead of Filesystem, you need to configure the MongoDB server and have it running.
sdk: 'datasync-filesystem-sdk',
With this:
sdk: 'datasync-mongodb-sdk',
Provide the URL and name of the mongoDB database by replacing:
contentStore: { baseDir: './_contents' },
With the following:
contentStore: { url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017', dbName: 'contentstack-db' }
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