globalField<T, K> method
All Global Fields
All global fields This call returns comprehensive information of all the global fields savailable in a particular stack in your account.
var response = stack.globalField();
Single Global Field Get a single global field
This request allows you to fetch comprehensive details of a specific global field.When executing the API call, in the 'URI Parameters' section, provide the unique ID of your global field.
var response = stack.globalField('sso');
include_branch (optional)
var response = stack.globalField('sso', true);
/// Single Global Field
/// Get a single global field
/// This request allows you to fetch comprehensive details of a specific
/// global field.When executing the API call, in the 'URI Parameters' section,
/// provide the unique ID of your global field.
/// ```
/// var response = stack.globalField('sso');
/// ```
/// include_branch (optional)
/// ```
/// var response = stack.globalField('sso', true);
/// ```
Future<T> globalField<T, K>(
[String globalFieldUid, bool includeBranch = false]) {
final parameters = <String, String>{};
parameters['environment'] = _client.stackHeaders['environment'];
if (includeBranch) {
parameters['include_branch'] = true.toString();
Uri uri = Uri.https(endpoint, '$apiVersion/global_fields', parameters);
if (globalFieldUid != null && globalFieldUid.isNotEmpty) {
uri = Uri.https(
endpoint, '$apiVersion/global_fields/$globalFieldUid', parameters);
return _client.sendRequest<T, K>(uri);