Field Validation FAQs

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Yes. You can add custom validations to “Single Line Textbox” and “Multi Line textbox” fields by setting the “Validations (Regex)” property.

The “Validation (Regex)” field property is available for “Single Line Textbox” and “Multi Line textbox” fields. You can find common examples of validations in our documentation. Since you can add validations using regex, learning how regex works might be helpful.

No, you can only define one validation rule for a single field.

Validations can be added to “Single Line Textbox” and “Multi Line textbox” fields using regex (regular expressions). When creating a content type, perform the following steps to add regex validation to a field in order to check for email addresses:

  1. Edit the required content type. Click on the “Email” field. This opens the Edit Properties window of the field.
  2. Now, enter the following regex value in the “Validations (Regex)” property. This will validate email addresses:

Yes, you can set validations on the “File” field to restrict users from uploading certain file types. To do this, click the “File” field to open its properties. Then, use the “Allowed file type(s)” property to allow the upload of specific file types.

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