Global Modules

Global modules are available throughout the stack irrespective of which branch you are working on. Changes made in these modules within a branch will be reflected in all the other branches as well.


Environment is a global module available across all branches of your stack. Any environment that you create in the main branch, will be available across all the other branches of the stack.


A user added to a stack can access and perform actions across branches present in the stack as per the roles assigned to them.

Note: Users with the roles owner, admin and developer can only create and delete branches.


Any role you assign to a stack user will be reflected across all the branches of the stack. That user role will be able to access data of only the allowed branch(es) or branches associated with the allowed alias(es).


You can select specific branches for which webhooks should trigger. This webhook will be accessible throughout all the branches.

Note: Webhooks can be assigned only to a single branch at a time.


You can assign workflows to all or specific branches in your stack. Changes can be made and accessed throughout all the branches.

Publish Rules

You can assign publishing rules to all the branches in your stack or to a specific branch. Changes can be made and accessed throughout all the branches.


Both the delivery and management tokens can be assigned to specific branches of the stack.

You can also assign management tokens to specific aliases to fetch or manage data from their associated branches.

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