App Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts are keys or combinations of keys that provide you with an alternative way to perform an action.

The following table covers keyboard shortcuts that will help you directly access the enlistedĀ Contentstack modules on our new user interface:

Module to accessWindows OSMac OS
Stack DashboardDD
Content ModelsCC
Publish Queuealt + Poption + P
Releasesalt + Roption + R
Audit Logsalt + Aoption + A
My Tasksalt + Moption + M
Usersalt + Uoption + U
Webhooksalt + Woption + W
Extensionsalt + Xoption + X
Delivery Tokensalt + Ooption + O
Workflowsalt + Foption + F
Stacks SettingsSS
Environmentsalt + Eoption + E
Languagesalt + Loption + L
GraphiQL Exploreralt + Goption + G
Trashalt + Toption + T
Global SearchKK

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