contentstack-express Folder Structure

Warning: contentstack-express framework has been deprecated. We will soon stop supporting this framework. Instead, we recommend using DataSync, which is faster and more flexible than the web framework.

After successfully installing contentstack-express, your main directory will contain the following sub-folders:

Folder structure

Folder/File NameDescription
contentAll the published content of your stack is stored here. Since it contains important data, it is highly recommended that you should not edit/delete the contents of this folder.
logsThis contains all the log files, including site logs (site access and errors) and sync logs (publish/unpublish events).
configThis folder contains all your system configuration files.
themesIt houses all the themes that can be used in your application. The “theme” folder further has sub-folders within it.
templatesAll the pages, layouts, and partials reside here.
publicIt contains all the static assets like css,js, images, etc.
pluginsThis section contains extensions to the current application in the form of plugins such as redirect-rules, blogs, and static site generator.
app.jsThis is the file that will run the server on the specified port and environment. Default port is 4000 and default environment is  “development”
package.jsonThis is a node.js package manager file that maintains the application version along with its dependencies.

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