The Get a single entry request fetches a particular entry of a content type.
API Reference: https://www.contentstack.com/docs/developers/apis/content-delivery-api/#single-entry
from urllib import parse
from contentstack.entryqueryable import EntryQueryable
# ************* Module stack **************
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[docs]class Entry(EntryQueryable):
An entry is the actual piece of content that you want to publish.
Entries can be created for one of the available content types.
Entry works with
def __init__(self, http_instance, content_type_uid, entry_uid):
self.entry_param = {}
self.http_instance = http_instance
self.content_type_id = content_type_uid
self.entry_uid = entry_uid
self.base_url = self.__get_base_url()
[docs] def environment(self, environment):
Enter the name of the environment of which the entries needs to be included
Example: production
:param environment: {str} name of the environment of which the entries needs to be included.
:return: Entry, so you can chain this call.
>>> import contentstack
>>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment')
>>> content_type = stack.content_type('content_type_uid')
>>> entry = content_type.entry(uid='entry_uid')
>>> entry.environment('production')
>>> result = entry.fetch()
if environment is None:
raise KeyError('Kindly provide a valid environment')
self.http_instance.headers['environment'] = environment
return self
[docs] def version(self, version):
"""When no version is specified, it returns the latest version
To retrieve a specific version, specify the version number under this parameter.
In such a case, DO NOT specify any environment. Example: 4
:param version: {int} -- version
:return: Entry, so you can chain this call.
>>> import contentstack
>>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment')
>>> content_type = stack.content_type('content_type_uid')
>>> entry = content_type.entry(uid='entry_uid')
>>> entry.version(4)
>>> result = entry.fetch()
if version is None:
raise KeyError('Kindly provide a valid version')
self.entry_param['version'] = version
return self
[docs] def param(self, key: str, value: any):
This method is useful to add additional Query parameters to the entry
:param key: {str} -- key The key as string which needs to be added to an Entry
:param value: {object} -- value The value as string which needs to be added to an Entry
:return: Entry, so you can chain this call.
>>> import contentstack
>>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment')
>>> content_type = stack.content_type('content_type_uid')
>>> entry = content_type.entry(uid='entry_uid')
>>> entry = entry.param('key', 'value')
>>> result = entry.fetch()
if None in (key, value) and not isinstance(key, str):
raise ValueError('Kindly provide valid key and value arguments')
self.entry_param[key] = value
return self
[docs] def include_fallback(self):
"""Retrieve the published content of the fallback locale if an entry is
not localized in specified locale.
:return: Entry, so we can chain the call
>>> import contentstack
>>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment')
>>> content_type = stack.content_type('content_type_uid')
>>> entry = content_type.entry(uid='entry_uid')
>>> entry = entry.include_fallback()
>>> result = entry.fetch()
print('Requesting fallback....')
self.entry_param['include_fallback'] = 'true'
return self
def __get_base_url(self):
if None in (self.http_instance, self.content_type_id, self.entry_uid):
raise KeyError('Provide valid http_instance, content_type_uid or entry_uid')
url = '{}/content_types/{}/entries/{}' \
.format(self.http_instance.endpoint, self.content_type_id, self.entry_uid)
return url
[docs] def fetch(self):
Fetches the latest version of the entries from stack
:return: Entry, so you can chain this call.
>>> import contentstack
>>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment')
>>> content_type = stack.content_type('content_type_uid')
>>> entry = content_type.entry('uid')
>>> result = entry.fetch()
if 'environment' in self.http_instance.headers:
self.entry_param['environment'] = self.http_instance.headers['environment']
if len(self.entry_queryable_param) > 0:
encoded_string = parse.urlencode(self.entry_param, doseq=True)
url = '{}?{}'.format(self.base_url, encoded_string)
return self.http_instance.get(url)