Source code for contentstack.assetquery

r"""This call fetches the list of all the assets of a particular stack.
It also returns the content of each asset in JSON format.
You can also specify the environment of which you wish to get the assets.

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import json
from contentstack.utility import Utils
from contentstack.basequery import BaseQuery

[docs]class AssetQuery(BaseQuery): """ This call fetches the list of all the assets of a particular stack. """ def __init__(self, http_instance): super().__init__() self.http_instance = http_instance self.asset_query_params = {} self.base_url = "{}/assets".format(self.http_instance.endpoint) if "environment" in self.http_instance.headers: env = self.http_instance.headers["environment"] self.base_url = "{}?{}".format(self.base_url, "environment={}".format(env))
[docs] def environment(self, environment): r"""Provide the name of the environment if you wish to retrieve the assets published in a particular environment. :param environment: environment of the stack :return: AssetQuery - so we can chain the call ----------------------------- [Example]: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().environment('production').find() ------------------------------ """ if isinstance(environment, str): self.http_instance.headers['environment'] = environment return self
[docs] def version(self, version): r"""Specify the version number of the asset that you wish to retrieve. If the version is not specified, the details of the latest version will be retrieved. To retrieve a specific version, keep the environment parameter blank. :param version: version number of the asset that you wish to retrieve :return: AssetQuery: so we can chain the call ----------------------------- [Example]: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().version(3).find() ------------------------------ """ self.asset_query_params["version"] = version return self
[docs] def include_dimension(self): r"""Include the dimensions (height and width) of the image in the response. Supported image types: JPG, GIF, PNG, WebP, BMP, TIFF, SVG, and PSD :return: AssetQuery: so we can chain the call ----------------------------- [Example]: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().include_dimension().find() ------------------------------ """ self.asset_query_params["include_dimension"] = "true" return self
[docs] def relative_url(self): r"""include the relative URLs of the assets in the response. :return: AssetQuery: so we can chain the call ----------------------------- [Example]: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().relative_url().find() ------------------------------ """ self.asset_query_params["relative_urls"] = "true" return self
[docs] def include_fallback(self): """Retrieve the published content of the fallback locale if an entry is not localized in specified locale. :return: AssetQuery, so we can chain the call ---------------------------- Example:: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().include_fallback().find() ---------------------------- """ self.asset_query_params['include_fallback'] = 'true' return self
[docs] def locale(self, locale: str): """Enter locale code. e.g., en-us This retrieves published entries of specific locale.. :return: AssetQuery, so we can chain the call ---------------------------- Example:: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().locale('en-us').find() ---------------------------- """ self.asset_query_params['locale'] = locale return self
[docs] def find(self): r"""This call fetches the list of all the assets of a particular stack. It also returns the content of each asset in JSON format. Learn more about Assets []. :return: json result, List of asset object ----------------------------- [Example]: >>> import contentstack >>> stack = contentstack.Stack('api_key', 'delivery_token', 'environment') >>> result = stack.asset_query().find() """ if self.parameters is not None and len(self.parameters) > 0: self.asset_query_params["query"] = json.dumps(self.parameters) url = Utils.get_complete_url(self.base_url, self.asset_query_params) return self.http_instance.get(url)