Assets FAQs

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Contentstack supports all media files such as image link, video link, GIFs, etc. You can upload them as assets and use them in entries.

The maximum allowed size of a single asset file that can be uploaded is 700 MB. You can also set a limit on the maximum and minimum size of files that can be uploaded by a user, by using the File Size Limit validation rule.

No. There is no limitation to the number of assets that can be uploaded in a stack. The limit can be applied based on your subscription.

While Contentstack does not support using 'Image Delivery API' requests for images that are directly inserted within text fields, there is another way to achieve this. Instead of directly inserting images into text fields, upload the images to assets first, and then use the URL in the text field. You can then use Image Delivery APIs for these images. Here are the detailed steps to do this:

  • Create Asset URL: Create a URL first for your asset, i.e., you need to upload your asset file using the ‘Upload asset’ call. In the response body, you will see the ‘url’ parameter which possesses the URL that has been generated for the asset file. Also, a unique ID (uid) is created for the uploaded asset file.
  • Provide URL in text fields: In your RTE field (or any other text field), switch to the RAW HTML form, and provide the asset URL as the source for your image instead of the actual image.

Now, using the uid and the specific URL, you can use the Image Delivery API requests on the images that are within the RTEs.

Yes, it is possible to query the same asset with different dimensions using Image Delivery API.

No, it is not possible to bulk edit assets. You can only edit one asset at a time.

Yes, the additional metadata support for assets/entries is available only in Contenstack's new UI.

No, the entry/asset version does not change when you add additional metadata via the API.

When you publish an entry/asset, the associated metadata of that entry/asset will also get published. However, when publishing entries/assets in bulk, the associated metadata of the assets/entries will not get published. For more information, read publish metadata documentation.

You can add additional metadata to an asset/ entry only through the Content Management API

The metadata size limit is defined based on the extension associated with the specific entry or assets for which you add metadata. The maximum metadata size allowed per extension is 5 KB that includes metadata defined for all entries and assets associated with a specific extension.

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